Friday, September 5, 2008

Coming off a stressful, but liberating week...

Life has been pretty crazy around our house the past few weeks. Today, as I sit in silence, for the first time in a long week, I am finding myself pondering some of the recent events of our house. My parents are here to visit. This normally would have struck me down with stress and fear for the entire time they were here. This visit, however, has been rather liberating for me. I can see God's work in my life, in my marriage, and thought maybe it was time to share some of what He has done for me with my mom and dad. The good and the my opinion, it was time to put my cards on the table and be who I am and stop dancing around it with them. For those who didn't know, I grew up in a pretty legalistic, fundamental church. Can you say I went to war?? They are very dogmatic in their beliefs and it was not an easy conversation for me. They told me they didn't like my church, it's Bible, it's music, or our doctrine. They told me that my problems in life were because I had left the teaching a grew up with and was now believing one of Satan's lies.
My very first blog was about using the wings God gave me. This past week, I stretched them yet again. He is so good, and I love Him enough to know that He is enough....I've never been to that point before. It has usually been Him plus and you can fill in the blank. I have never felt like I was "good enough" there was always one more thing to strive for. But this past year, has grown me in a lot of ways. One of my favorite songs, and no I don't know the name, says, "When you find that He's all you have, you'll find that He's all you need." I have finally gotten it.....Amen. =)
It was also great because Jim supported me the entire time. Of course, they chose their moment to have this conversation with me when Jim had gone to work, but later that night, he stood in defense of our family, and I couldn't have been prouder to be his wife as he told my parents that it was no longer ok with him for them to treat me the way that they had. God's family has been very good to us, and for that we are thankful...I may be calling some of you to show me how to cook a turkey come Thanksgiving....


Susan said...

Continuing to pray for you guys...glad you were able to share some with your parents. One day they'll "get it"!!

Katie said...

Thanks Susan, I hope so too....