So I am reading this new book this week and the author gave this great analogy about plate spinning and I just had to share. He started out with a story about the 1960's when he grew up and how Ed Sullivan used to have plate spinners on his show. Honestly, I wasn't alive in the 1960's and I've thought about it, and I am not sure if I've ever seen plate spinners, but I am sure somewhere i have...anyway...the plate spinners, they balance their plates and run around letting us, the viewer, think that a plate is going to fall, but he gets there just in time to keep it spinning. The author then turns toward us the Christian. What plates are we spinning; family, job, kids, friends, Bible study, church, looking good, pretending to be something we're not? What things are we doing that are getting in the way of our relationship with Him? We run from one thing to another trying to be that "perfect christian" and keep all of our plates spinning afraid to think about one falling and the consequences that might occur. In the process, we miss the most important thing: God. It's time to take some plates down. Don't worry, He loves you just as you are, no plates necessary. This one I'm still learing, one plate at a time.
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