Sunday, January 25, 2009

10 Things I've learned in Marriage....

10. Go to the bathroom with the door closed. Once you have kids they will come in unless it is locked.
9. Does it really matter if the toilet paper is over or under?? (Jim and I have solved this by not putting it on the thing.)
8. If you wait until you are "ready" you will never have children.
7. If cooking is the way to a man's heart, then him cleaning up is the way to a woman's.
6. "'Til death do us part" is not a license for murder.
5. Ladies: If we want our husbands to be the leader of our helps if we get out of their way.
4. Don't ask someone to change who they are for you...let them expand who they are...but be willing to do the same.
3. There are 3 people who make a marriage, me and God. The 3rd one is the most important.
2. God's grace covers everything.
1. The only way to get to forever is one day at a time.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Great list! #1 is one of the most sincere truths about marriage I've read in a long time. The one about the toilet paper...also true AND funny. Btw...everyone knows, the paper goes OVER the roll. Darryl even it must be true.