Sunday, October 5, 2008

Kenya Bound???

Ok, readers...and I know I have a few....=) For over a year now, God has been prompting me to take a trip to Kenya. Living Hope is heading there at the end of the year, and I attended an informational meeting this morning. I am very interested, and honestly, Jim is too. God would have to open a lot of doors for this to work out, so I am asking you to pray for clarity for us. If it is not his time, I know that he is going to close those doors. Specifically, getting off work since I just started a new job, doing something with the kids, especially if we both go, financial support....just to name off a few. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks so much for your prayers in advance.


Jennifer Goodwin said...

We sang a song this morning, that was really fast, and upbeat, and the main part of the song was us singing, most of us with both hands raised, singing:

With God...ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE,ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!! Just thought I'd share that, sweet lady. Love you and miss you....I start today @ CES...pray for me, okay?

Anonymous said...

You do know you can get bags of Kenya AA here in the states now, right? But I guess it tastes much better if you go pick it up yourself.

Seriously, if that works out it sounds like an awesome opportunity. Let us know if your kids need a place to hang for a few days. They seem to do pretty well with our younglings.