Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Legalism and Dieting.....

I am pretty sure that this title caught your attention and you are wondering how those to things could possibly be related. However, for me they are. I have been giving this some thought recently. Last May, I started exercising. Most weeks 5 times a week I walk with my neighbor. We made it through the winter cold and are still walking, most mornings in the dark. I have come to enjoy, if not crave my exercise. This is a weird statement for me to make, but it is so true. Anyway, I am feeling the need to lose a few pounds. For once in my life I am fairly comfy with the skin I am in, but because I have started this quest to be healthier, I think I could go on a diet or something. Here's my thing, and where legalism comes in. I have done weight watchers in the past and have had huge success. After Taylor was born I weighed about 75 pounds more than I wanted and with WW I took it off and have kept 55 of it off for almost 10 years now. I was a great legalistic dieter. I just told myself to follow the dieting rule, I just couldn't eat certain things any more. By golly it worked. However, since I have given way to a new way of life and love of Jesus, most of those legalistic ways are melting away...which has been so cool. But now, I have no idea how to go on a diet. By the way, I hate the word diet.....I would rather figure out a way to make a lifestyle change that doesn't involve me giving up ice cream, bread, or pasta in order to become healthy. If I figure something out I'll let you know. If you have a suggestion, let me know.


Jennifer Goodwin said...

Well, legalistic or not, I also did WW and it worked for me, too. I don't think there's anything wrong with it~they teach you lifestyle change. They start with food and incorporate exercise later. The only bad part is the cost. :(

Katie said...

Hey Jen, It's not that I think WW is's just how my mind works and for me to join a "program" is an easy way for me to pick up some old bad habits. =)

Becky said...

Maybe we should have salad only for small group dinners....


BeckyTN said...

Hey Katie. I've tried to become healthier in 2009 as well. I totally see it as a better lifestyle. Yes, I had to diet but now I'm just trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I think it's a great example for family and friends and even to worship Christ by keeping your body healthy. Good luck!