Friday, April 24, 2009

The wet fleece...or placemat in our case.

This morning after my walk, I am making coffee, and I notice that the place mat that the coffee pot sits on is totally soaked. Nothing else around it is wet and I found it very curious. So as I cleaned it up, my mind started to wander, as it does sometimes, and I found myself thinking of Gideon. Here's a guy who is literally fighting God every step of the way. God calls him, and he says no, not me, but if it is really me then let me go and prepare a gift for you and you stay here and wait...guess what that's what happened.
Then as if that wasn't enough, he says, this out of Judges 6: 36 Then Gideon said to God, "If You will deliver Israel by my hand, as You said, 37 I will put a fleece of wool here on the threshing floor. If dew is only on the fleece, and all the ground is dry, I will know that You will deliver Israel by my strength, as You said." 38 And that is what happened. When he got up early in the morning, he squeezed the fleece and wrung dew out of it, filling a bowl with water. 39 Gideon then said to God, "Don't be angry with me; let me speak one more time. Please allow me to make one more test with the fleece. Let it remain dry, and the dew be all over the ground." 40 That night God did [as Gideon requested]: only the fleece was dry, and dew was all over the ground.
It's kinda unreal when you think about it, but then when you do...ouch...that's us. We have so little faith and confidence in Our Lord. He is sovereign, He's got things under control. Yet we question that small voice inside our head....we listen to other things and other people and miss what God is telling us. I know I am so guilty of that. I love to hear that Voice, but sometimes to just do not want to be still enough to listen to it.
Just like in the story of Gideon, God will get the eventual Glory, in His way and His time. I love that, just like in Matthew when Jesus tells the disciples in Chapter 17 20-21: Because of your little faith," He told them. "For I assure you: If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. 21 However, this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting. Here's my thing: I want God to move, but sometimes I want Him to do all the work and I try to skip out on the prayer and fasting...ouch again. =) Something to work on even now. =) That's my thoughts for today. In case you were wondering about the water and the place mat: Jim went downstairs last night to take some medicine, he dumped a glass of water on the place mat. It was late so he didn't clean it up. But I still got something out of it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Legalism and Dieting.....

I am pretty sure that this title caught your attention and you are wondering how those to things could possibly be related. However, for me they are. I have been giving this some thought recently. Last May, I started exercising. Most weeks 5 times a week I walk with my neighbor. We made it through the winter cold and are still walking, most mornings in the dark. I have come to enjoy, if not crave my exercise. This is a weird statement for me to make, but it is so true. Anyway, I am feeling the need to lose a few pounds. For once in my life I am fairly comfy with the skin I am in, but because I have started this quest to be healthier, I think I could go on a diet or something. Here's my thing, and where legalism comes in. I have done weight watchers in the past and have had huge success. After Taylor was born I weighed about 75 pounds more than I wanted and with WW I took it off and have kept 55 of it off for almost 10 years now. I was a great legalistic dieter. I just told myself to follow the dieting rule, I just couldn't eat certain things any more. By golly it worked. However, since I have given way to a new way of life and love of Jesus, most of those legalistic ways are melting away...which has been so cool. But now, I have no idea how to go on a diet. By the way, I hate the word diet.....I would rather figure out a way to make a lifestyle change that doesn't involve me giving up ice cream, bread, or pasta in order to become healthy. If I figure something out I'll let you know. If you have a suggestion, let me know.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!!!

42 years ago today, God sent a wonderful man down to earth. He is sweet, loyal, hard working, sometimes too hard working, =) loving, and kind. I am so thankful that God put our lives together and blessed us with 2 beautiful children. Yep, the road has not always been easy, but it has show us grace and mercy and most of all love!! So today as I wish the love of my life a happy birthday, join me for a few shots down memory lane. Thank you for being you!! Have a great birthday! I love you!!!!
Jim at about 18 months

Jim and his brother aren't they cute!!
Jim, his brother Steve, sister Jen, and dad Steve.

Jim with BIG Hair!!!

Our Family December 2008

You didn't know I was so computer savvy did you????

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chris Tomlin!!!

Last Tuesday night, we and members of our small group and lots of other people headed to the Forum to see Chris Tomlin!! It was really awesome!! I just loved being able to worship with Him in that place. It was just what I needed. It has been a C-R-A-Z-Y couple weeks and this night of down time was just what I needed. We took some pictures and Jim even recorded some of the live worship, maybe we may even get them posted! =) Life has slowed down a little bit which has been nice. That's it for now. Looking forward to a long weekend and Easter!!