I have really been thinking about this concept lately. Why are many churches turning into spiritual truck stops? You stop on in...fill up with whatever the special of the day is...and you don't even have to get off of the highway of life. The guy up there speaking is making you feel too good to stop and think about what you are or are not doing for the Lord. You are anonymous...nobody knows you and you don't really care to know them. When they pass the plate, you put in your tip and move on about your day. You get back in your car and maybe next week you'll find your self stopping in at the same truck stop.
I know that this is not what Jesus intended the church to be. We need to realize that WE are the church....not some building that you go to. Jesus told many stories in His ministry, He made relationships, He lived in community, He loved the unloved, healed the sick and the hurting, He turned the tables on those who thought they were better than the rest....I could go on and on.
Wherever you worship this Sunday, do yourself a favor...do a "head check" as I call it, and make sure that you are not just there to be served, but that you came to serve as well.